Rockhill Missionary Baptist Church of Oviedo, Florida

Greetings from our Pastor

“And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them…” (Ezekiel 34:23)

“Follow me as I follow Christ” (1 Corinthian 11:1)

The first light that was shed in the minds of the early organizers has spread with such force, that it has become a beacon in the center of
the Rock. It beacons men and women to follow its paths from generation to generation.

And I say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church: and the gates of hell shall, not prevail against it. “Matthew 16:18

We don’t have all the answers. We don’t even have the ability to change your life and make it better. But, we do know SOMEONE who does and He is making our lives better every day. By better, we mean more meaningful, more fulfilling and more encouraging.

Each week during our services and bible study, God brings us into His presence where we experience the true riches He desires for all people. These riches are ours for the taking should we turn from sin and yield to his word.

Please know that our doors are always open and you can expect to always be welcomed, uplifted and rejuvenated because of what God will give to you.

It is our sincere conviction that nothing is more essential to the life of a believer than a full, vibrant, rich life of worship and adoration of God. Worship was never intended to be a Sunday morning experience only, but rather an active and complete part of our daily lives. Our life and personal lifestyles are all a part of our worship to God. It is the mission of Rockhill Missionary Baptist Church to provide an atmosphere conducive for a fulfilled corporate Worship experience, which will inspire every believer to engage in a life of healthy and wholesome private Worship.

Rockhill Missionary Baptist Church is a church of compassion and refuge, reaching out to a lost and hurting world that needs salvation and purpose. The Lord has given me as Pastor an exhaustive vision for the Rockhill Church Family. It is one that is designed to minister to the needs of the total man- spiritually, physically, educationally and socially.

“Our mission is to build up and support every aspect of the church’s life and membership through spirit-directed prayer and intercession”.

Come and worship with us. You won’t leave the same. Rockhill Missionary Baptist Church is “Transforming Lives Through Ministry”.